
2016 Gratitude List: BBBB

2016 Gratitude List BBBB

Earlier this year, we prayed and fasted for a few B’s. This year has been nothing but God’s faithfulness—unmerited faithfulness. Starting an annual 23rd of December tradition. ❤️

1. Book

This year, we celebrated the first year after the birth of our dear Berea Dannielle—her birth here on earth and her birth into heaven a few hours after. We celebrated God’s abundant faithfulness, love, joy, peace, and strength.

We celebrated with a simple meal, and the ebook release of my book, “When God Could’ve But He Didn’t,” a book where I tell the story of our dear Brei, and where I have logged learnings and hope through our most challenging season, hoping that it helps at least one person whose world has crumbled down because of loss or a different crushing moment in life. Recently, the paperback version was released for shipping within the Philippines, and later on will be made available outside of the country. A YouVersion devotional is also available here.

It’s overwhelming and humbling that God can use our story to encourage and inspire others. I am so grateful that people—strangers, from the Philippines and outside, have reached out to simply say thanks for writing the book and how it encouraged and inspired them.

God truly turns our mourning into dancing, our sorrow into joy.

2. Blog

I am so grateful to and for YOU! Thank you for making this site worthwhile. ? You see, every time I get a little bit discouraged, a couple of you comment or reach out in perfect timing to encourage me to keep on writing. I am so blessed to have YOU!

I have blogged before, but this site, which was ignited by the same hope I had for writing the book, is an investment grounded on purpose and it’s more than worth it because of YOU. ❤

Truly, when you allow yourself to be used by God to refresh others, you will also be refreshed.

3. Baby

Definitely the best highlight of this year was when I told myself, “I told you so,” when I found out I was pregnant. I’ve been writing about being certain of God’s graciousness and faithfulness to give us more children (and the same for others who are still praying for theirs), having a rainbow baby of our own, without knowing that I was already pregnant then. The provision was already on its way even while the certainty of what we hoped for was yet to be seen.

Icing on top, God has allowed me to share our story and our fulfilled hope to our church community. You can listen to the message here.

Truly, we have and will continue to see the goodness of the Lord on this earth.

4. Breakthrough (Finances)

This year was the most tight time for us in terms of our finances. We wanted to go to Japan, but we were settled at dropping it from our goals for this year. However, when we prayed and fasted in January, Pao and I both felt that God was telling us to put back Japan in our faith goals. With some reluctance from reality and a small seed of faith, we put Japan back on our list.

Today, on my birthday, I am writing this post on my mobile, at a coffee shop on our second trip to Japan this year. What we’ve spent for both trips was so little compared to what we’ve received. Our finances are also moving towards better as the year ends.

Truly, faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains.

5. Family

Beyond the B’s, this year I’ve so much proven to myself that I will fight for my family. I will fight against any source of divisiveness or injustice… to war in prayer because the battle is not against flesh and blood.

I am forever grateful for my family, for seeing us through thick and thin, and for loving us dearly.

Truly, love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

P.S. I don’t have internet connection most of the time while on this trip, so thanking everyone for the birthday greets here!!! God is so gracious! ❤


About Pam Marasigan

Hello! I'm a wife and mom who has a full-time job and does homeschooling, and I also birthed a book a year after we lost our firstborn. I aspire to live each day according to God’s purpose for me. I believe that we were designed to live life to the full throughout life’s different seasons.