
Behind the Name: Chadric Noah

Behind the Name Chadric Noah

I personally believe that the name parents give to their children are important. It’s one of the first declarations parents can make over the lives of their children. I’m glad my husband shares the same belief! Sharing with you what’s behind the name of our first son. ❤️


Even before we confirmed the gender, Pao already had a name in his heart for a baby boy—”Noah.” I had to read Noah’s story in the bible (hello, Strengths Finder Deliberatives!), and after reading it, I was all out for the name! This is our prayer for our Noah:

“Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his generation…” (Genesis 6:9 ESV)
“…he walked in close fellowship with God.” (Genesis 6:9 NLT)

  • More than anything, may our Noah have a personal relationship with God and walk in close fellowship with Him.
  • He will do great things for God, even things that seem impossible, through God’s direction, favor, provision, and grace.
  • His faith on and obedience to God will flow from his heart to his life.


We were praying and praying and praying for another name for Noah. It took so many months before we finally got one! One night in January 2017 when we were praying and fasting with our church community, I felt like God dropped a name in my heart. “Noah Ch…., Noah Ch… Noah Chad… Noah Chadrick… Chadric Noah!” I had peace with the name and was so glad that when I shared it with Pao, he loved the name too!

We looked at a baby names book and found that the name “Chadrick” means “mighty warrior.” YES!!! Our Chadric Noah will be a mighty warrior of God!!!

To Our Dear Chadric Noah, Years from Now

Dearest son,

You are a blessing in so many ways. You’ve been the answer to so many prayers, not just mom and dad’s, but of so many people’s. When you’re old enough to read this post, we pray that it will not be a burden to you and that you will not be pressured to put these on as those earlier days you would put on clothes that maybe dad will have you wear when he styles your #ootd (or mom directing your pose) even when you don’t know what you’re getting yourself into.

Remember that as with everything, it all starts with God—how He loves you, how He chose you to be our son (and us to be your parents), how He has fearfully and wonderfully made you. He has already prepared good things for you to do. His plan for you is prosperity, hope, and a great future. We all just need to listen to Him, and get from Him the boldness and strength to take each step He has laid before us.

Noah walked in close fellowship with God before his “big break,” which didn’t look to many as a big break. In fact, only seven people witnessed that it was indeed a big break! No overthinking or over-analyzing: we walk in close fellowship with God, we listen, we obey. And always remember that regardless, we love you simply because you’re our son. No works, failures, or achievements can make us love you more or less. ❤️


Dad and Mom

Back to today, let me say THANK YOU to all of you who have prayed with us for Noah! Your prayers have kept us full of faith in God, and are about to give birth to a healthy and handsome next-generation warrior who God has destined to do great things!!!

Had so much fun at last night’s baby shower for Noah! Noah is so blessed to have a community ready to smother him with so much fun and love! Thanks guys for a laugh-filled, meaningful celebration! ❤Thanks for being God’s love to us!


About Pam Marasigan

Hello! I'm a wife and mom who has a full-time job and does homeschooling, and I also birthed a book a year after we lost our firstborn. I aspire to live each day according to God’s purpose for me. I believe that we were designed to live life to the full throughout life’s different seasons.