
Ready or Not

Ready or Not

Don’t wait until you can say you’re ready before you jump into something new. Here’s another short blog for you before I doze off for a week.

Don’t wait until you can say you’re ready before you jump into something new (if it’s God telling you to jump, that is! more about that here).

I don’t think I’ll ever reach the point when I can say with confidence that I’m ready to be a mom, especially knowing all that moms are! I’ve had the privilege of carrying two babies already (I was a #1007mom to the first, then I’m 21 weeks with my 2nd), and I still couldn’t say “I’m ready.” Well, maybe because I didn’t get the chance to take care of Berea Dannielle that I don’t have experience to say that “I’m ready” with my second, so I asked this question to some moms I know:

After your first (or nth) baby, were you ever able to say “I’m ready” when you got pregnant with your next?

I got similar answers. While they were excited and looking forward to the next baby, there wasn’t a time when they confidently said that they’re 100% ready. Motherhood per se is one thing, having a second or third or fourth child was another, caring for a newborn while equally caring for the older children.

“What I can say is that both in my sense of preparedness and unpreparedness, God’s grace was steadily present and sufficient.”

Ched Reyes

I don’t think you ever get ready for it as much as you just simply become one. Whether it’s about pregnancy, first time motherhood, being a mom to a newborn and a toddler or a teenager, or something new that God is bringing you into, whether the calling comes before the desire (wrote about more of that here) or you’ve wanted something and God has finally opened the door for you, we are to embrace our new seasons with faith, and trust that God will carry us through.

God brings us to new seasons because He wants us to bear more fruit. Like a seedling being repotted to enable it grow, our old pots may hinder our growth while our new pots have so much room and nourishment to enable us to grow and bear fruit. When God brings us to a new season, staying in the old season is still an option, but it is not where we can experience God’s best; it is a mark of distrust in God, and plainly, it is disobedience. So while the unknown can be scary, let’s embrace it in full confidence that God has prepared the way for us, and that it’s what’s best for us.

God brings us to new seasons because He wants to let more of Himself known to us. Like a child holding a parent’s hand, the more we can’t see means all the more tightly we hold on to God as we walk through life. So beyond our fruitfulness is our believing more, trusting more, and knowing more of God. I don’t think we can be fruitful in our new seasons without this. We can be repotted, but if our roots don’t grow deeper, we won’t really grow. When we lost our dear Brei, it was obviously a season we had to go through without an alternative, and through it we’ve known more of God’s love, grace, peace, and strength that we wouldn’t have known otherwise. And now with our second, I’m excited to know more of God being a Father to us through motherhood!

Abide in me, and I in you.
As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself,
unless it abides in the vine,
neither can you, unless you abide in me.
I am the vine; you are the branches.
Whoever abides in me and I in him,
he it is that bears much fruit,
for apart from me you can do nothing.
John 15:4–5 ESV

Girl or boy? Follow me on Instagram @marasiganpam to find out!  It’s our anniversary week and I’m so grateful we’re both able to take a break from work and spend some downtime together! I am the author of the book, When God Could’ve But He Didn’t.


About Pam Marasigan

Hello! I'm a wife and mom who has a full-time job and does homeschooling, and I also birthed a book a year after we lost our firstborn. I aspire to live each day according to God’s purpose for me. I believe that we were designed to live life to the full throughout life’s different seasons.