Leadership, Leading Self

When God Calls You: No Loose Ends (Part 5 of 5)

When God Calls You No Loose Ends

Fifth and final installment to my Esther series! See how God finished the story.

Just to recap, Esther was a very humble woman who had no issues submitting to authority. She became queen. She discerned the call of God. All that in part one of this blog series. In part two, we see that she was determined to heed the call—“If I perish, I perish,” and she knew that she needed her spiritual family to stand with her in prayer as she steps out in faith and obedience. God pulls through for her, then it was a “not yet” for a while, then finally it was a “the time is now.” We see in this final entry that God had so much more in store for Esther and Mordecai besides winning against Haman. And Esther never lost focus on her calling.

The Story

As before, paraphrased, summarized, and interrupted by my observations! 8:1 king gives Esther the estate of Haman 8:2 Mordecai was approved by the king. Esther appoints Mordecai over Haman’s estate.

Reminds me of Proverbs 13:22—a sinner’s wealth is stored up for the righteous.

8:5 Esther pleads for her people.

It was not about vengeance, or else she could have stopped after Haman was impaled. Esther was focused on her calling—to free the Jews. She did not settle nor did she get distracted with initial achievements.

8:8,11 king allows Esther to overrule Haman’s decree of destruction, with an irrevocable decree granting rights to the Jews to protect themselves 9 The Jews triumph over their enemies.

When God fights, He fights the battle until the end. When God gives victory, the victory is thorough and complete—no loose ends.

Thoughts on God’s Calling

God’s calling is not about us. It’s about Him. Apart from us, His plans will prevail. Apart from Him, things will never make sense to us.

A calling from God is His wanting us to be part of His plans. Heeding the call is our response to take part in His plans. Being called by God is a privilege He extends to everyone, to be take part and serve His purposes. Heeding His call is the only opportunity we can experience His wisdom, sovereignty, grace, and victory firsthand. We have to discern two separate things: God’s call, and God’s timing. We have to act in light of both. These are questions I need to constantly ask myself in prayer:

What has God called me for? What is my response to God’s call? What is my commitment to God’s call? Who are the people who can stand with me in prayer to pursue God’s call? Am I continually praying and seeking God? Is He giving me specific instructions like “Not yet,” “The time is now,” specific strategies, etc.? What challenges can discourage me? What achievements can take away my focus from God and His call?

I hope that this old (2012) five-part blog series has helped you in praying through wherever God is taking you next (go or stay). Like Esther, humility, total dependence on God, and 100% determination to pursue God’s call are God’s ingredients for the success that He has planned for your next season. ☝️☝️☝️

I am the author of the book, When God Could’ve But He Didn’t. I am the happy wife of my happy husband, Pao. As I write this, both of us are happily hoping for at least two more children.


About Pam Marasigan

Hello! I'm a wife and mom who has a full-time job and does homeschooling, and I also birthed a book a year after we lost our firstborn. I aspire to live each day according to God’s purpose for me. I believe that we were designed to live life to the full throughout life’s different seasons.