The Cover Story
The cover photo in my book were from two meaningful moments with Brei.
The cover photo in my book were from two meaningful moments with Brei.
My friend’s story is just one of so many successful pregnancies and deliveries following the loss of a baby.
Even in grief and loss, there is joy in the shared experience.
And with the sweetest voice I’ve ever heard, she called me, “Mommy!”
May today be a day that we remember our precious children, how BIG our God is, and find renewed hope in Him.
From a mom who lost our firstborn to you: His grace is abundant. He will see you through.
“When God Could’ve, But He Didn’t” is now available on Kindle!
Sharing a part of my book, “When God Could’ve, But He Didn’t”
As God used my writing for my healing, I pray that reading this becomes part of yours.