
Little Swimmer

Little Swimmer

18 weeks and counting! At least 2 more weeks and we’ll know the gender! A quick update about our newest bundle of joy. ā¤ļø

Taking a quick break from the brain power needed for my busiest yet favorite season at work!

Just met our OB today. So far so good with this little one. ā¤ļø Hence we talked mostly about how to comfort patients who had pregnancy complications than my current pregnancy (if you’re not familiar, we had complications with our firstborn). Made me say a prayer for OB’s recent cases before I left the parking.

Busog or baby bump?

On a different note, a good number of people are a little bit concerned that I don’t look pregnant. They either ask straightforwardly, or give explanationsĀ themselves, “Sabagay ganyan talaga, bigla na lang lalaki sa huli.” Either way, I really don’t mind because I find their love overwhelming. Two years ago in my first pregnancy, I started off with more weight than this second time. Also, I’ve been wearing loose tops and strategically been choosing what I wear, because I’m still in that stage where I look like IĀ just came from a buffet rather than actually looking pregnant. But yes, I do have my baby bump and it’s just how it’s supposed to be, currently a cantaloupe-sized womb (every person “carries” differently; every pregnancy of one woman is actually different, too!). I think it’s going to pop out more in no time. If I remember correctly in my first pregnancy, October was the month pregnancy becameĀ quite obvious from the outside (1st and 2nd pregnancy have the same timeline). In my estimate, belly’s gonna show most likely a week from now! It’s that time when yesterday those pants fit perfectly and today they snug uncomfortably so I have to change!

Hello from the inside!

From the inside, we’re a little bit naninibago because we’re no longer required to have an ultrasound often, but definitely not complaining! Last time, there were three battles that we faced together with our dear Berea Dannielle that made almost a weekly peek in my womb necessary. The good thing in the bad was that we see her so often!

So, as early as I knew that I may already feel our new bundle of joy, I’ve been trying to be sensitive and I’ve been asking our baby to let me feel those movements! A little more than a week ago, in a number of instances,Ā I thought I’ve been feeling my little one swimming around my belly! But whenever I touch my tummy to feel for sure, I can’t feel any movementĀ with my hands… and sometimes I just pass gas (hehe) so I get second thoughts if I did feel my little swimmer. September 30, 2016 I was lying on our couch and I felt some swimming action. October 1, I felt our baby swim around more frequently. Even Pao felt our baby move when he placed his hand on my belly. ā¤ļø

Thanking God again for our little one. Thanks, everyone, for praying with us for a healthy baby (and mommy)! We so appreciate all the love!


About Pam Marasigan

Hello! I'm a wife and mom who has a full-time job and does homeschooling, and I also birthed a book a year after we lost our firstborn. I aspire to live each day according to Godā€™s purpose for me. I believe that we were designed to live life to the full throughout lifeā€™s different seasons.