Leadership, Leading Others, Leading Self

To Stretch and Be Stretched

Stretchings are uncomfortable, sometimes painful, but worth it.

In sports, it’s important to warm up and stretch before the actual training. It conditions your body for what’s up ahead. I remember back in high school when I couldn’t do a full split. Every night in my room I would attempt a full split, stretching my muscles beyond their limits a few centimeters at a time. After nights of doing so, I was able to do a full split eventually which proved useful for dance steps we needed to execute.

In pregnancy, moms get stretch marks as their bellies expand beyond a buffet belly, eventually bringing forth life. I didn’t get stretch marks in my past 3 deliveries, but carrying twins gave my skin too much stretching that I finally get these marks of honor, plus overly itchy skin on my belly and everywhere else. It’s a discomfort, inconvenience, and painfully irritating stretching and itching. But eventually we’ll have TWO bundles of joy out of this. All worth it.

In the workplace, stretching is part of growth. With proper guidance and care, stretching is good for us. It’s not comfortable, and can feel inconvenient or painful, but it’s worth it. I’ve seen this in the growth of people who have allowed themselves to be stretched through projects and new assignments, and also in my own work journey.

As a people manager, don’t be afraid to give stretch assignments. In the stretch assignment, explain the value that they can bring to the table and also what they can develop through the assignment. Give them room to make and learn from mistakes. Make yourself available because they will have questions and will most likely benefit from bouncing things off with you. Keep an open eye. Reel them in before it becomes too much.

The Lord said to Moses, “Go up into this mountain of Abarim and see the land that I have given to the people of Israel. “Let the Lord, the God of the spirits of all flesh, appoint a man over the congregation who shall go out before them and come in before them, who shall lead them out and bring them in, that the congregation of the Lord may not be as sheep that have no shepherd.”
‭‭Numbers‬ ‭27‬:‭12‬, ‭16‬-‭17‬ ‭ESV‬‬

As a leader, it’s wise to “go out before them and come in before them.” Let us thoughtfully calibrate bandwidth, workload, and well-being as we give stretch assignments. It is also wise to “lead them out and bring them in,” knowing when and how much to push them past their current limits, and then giving them some time to adjust before giving another stretch assignment. Individuals have different capacities and not one size fits all. May God’s grace help us become shepherds to the people God placed under our care.

As someone currently being stretched, remember that in life—work or non-work—stretching is temporary. Sometimes it feels like forever, but it is temporary. You will get to the point that the length that you’ve stretched is your new normal—you’ve leveled up! New life and learning comes after. Then we do it all over again.

Just remembered I wrote something similar before—by allowing their stretching, I allow their growing. Oh how motherhood shapes leadership!

Just some random musings from the past few weeks of excruciating itchiness all over my still growing belly. 37 weeks this Saturday. I couldn’t be more grateful we are this far! All these sleepless nights due to the itchiness and insomnia is all worth it. Oh!!! And super thanks for those who’ve asked about the registry. We’ve extended the Edamama one. Thank you! Thank you!!!


About Pam Marasigan

Hello! I'm a wife and mom who has a full-time job and does homeschooling, and I also birthed a book a year after we lost our firstborn. I aspire to live each day according to God’s purpose for me. I believe that we were designed to live life to the full throughout life’s different seasons.