“Sometimes I want to go out into the pool at night and challenge my faith to walk on water, literally,” I told the woman who was helping me in my walk with God. What she said I could never forget.
A good friend posted this on Instagram recently and it brought me back to 2009.

“Sometimes I want to go out into the pool at night and challenge my faith to walk on water, literally,” I told the woman who was helping me in my walk with God. What she said I could never forget.
“Peter walked on water
because Jesus told him to.”
– Ria Llanto-Martin
I believe she has by then read the book, “If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat.” It’s funny how she responds to my statements. I remember asking her if I should take a certain shift in my career and her answer was, “How does God speak to you ba?” When I went home that night, I made a chart in my journal about how God has spoken to me in the past and saw a certain pattern that helped me make my decision. Funny how she addresses my concerns in a different wavelength and I end up getting so much more than if she had given me something plainly straightforward. (I wrote about giving experiential counsel here.)
Going back to walking on water, I got so much from what she said. When I wanted to walk on water (literally), she didn’t tell me that it’s silly, or that yes, there’s faith but there’s also wisdom. She told me, “Peter walked on water because Jesus told him to.”
You may not have the curiosity to literally walk on water, but whenever we’re going to jump into something, the best question to ask ourselves is not how much faith we have or will God do it for me, but “Is God telling me to?” At the end of the day (better yet, at the start of the day), that’s what really matters.
So yeahp, go if God tells you to go, regardless <insert challenges here>. Stay if God tells you to stay, regardless <insert difficulties here>.