
When Jesus Calls

Mark 3:13–15

Jesus calls those who He desires.

The text didn’t say why He chose who He chose (no mention of skills, intelligence, accomplishments) except that He desired them. The twelve had varying personalities, abilities, and backgrounds. There was no common denominator except their response when Jesus called them to Him: they came to Him.

Jesus desires YOU! Jesus desires me! Regardless of mistakes, failures, shortcomings, achievements, charity work, or anything else we bring to the equation, both the bad and the good. If you have felt any sort of “tug” toward Jesus, He desires you as you.

It’s up to us to come to Him (or not).

The twelve responded by coming to Jesus. He offered the same to others in His ministry on earth but not everyone came to Him. He can desire and call, but it’s up to us to come.

Jesus appoints those who He calls and comes to Him.

He desires and calls, and for those who respond comes the appointment. We are appointed by Jesus because 1) He desires us, 2) He called us, and 3) we freely come to Him in response.

Jesus’ appointment is for two things: to be with Him, and to do works of ministry.

I don’t think how it’s written in the book of Mark was in unintentional order both in chronology and of importance: “so that they might be with him and he might send them…” It’s one before the other and it’s both. When Jesus calls us, He appoints us first to be with Him—to be in connection and in a relationship with Him, AND to be sent out by Him do works of ministry—”to preach and have authority to cast out demons.” Only being with Him seems to be an incomplete recognition of His appointment, while only doing ministry work without Him will most likely be exhausting, powerless, and unfruitful. It’s not either, and it’s not the other way around.

So what?

Have you felt any “tug” toward Jesus? He desires you. He’s calling you to him. Will you come to Him?

If you already came to Him, are you being with Him and also allowing Him to send you out? Are you encountering certain battles as you do? Do you think those battles come with preaching the gospel? He is the one who sent you (not you sending you), and He even gave you authority to cast out demons!

I pray that regardless of our situations and vocations, we tell people about Jesus and show His love to everyone. As we do, I pray that we get to see God’s transforming work in people’s lives as much as the much needed transforming work in our own, to see people and ourselves get delivered from what hinders us from living a full life in Christ.

Life Update: We’ve reached 34 of 38 weeks of my twin pregnancy! So grateful we’ve reached this far and we continue to pray that they come out on schedule, healthy, no complications! Thank you for praying with us!


About Pam Marasigan

Hello! I'm a wife and mom who has a full-time job and does homeschooling, and I also birthed a book a year after we lost our firstborn. I aspire to live each day according to God’s purpose for me. I believe that we were designed to live life to the full throughout life’s different seasons.